15 April 2009

AKC Announces New Program for Mixed Breeds

Here's the news from the American Kennel Club on their new mixed breed dog program.

Dear Delegates,

For the past one hundred twenty five years, the American Kennel Club has been the nation's premier advocate for dogs and the people who love them. Today, we are delighted to tell you that AKC can now act even more broadly and effectively as the dog's champion. Our Board of Directors has voted unanimously to proceed with a program for mixed breed dogs. The creation of this program ushers in new opportunities for our constituencies, our clubs and our organization to grow and flourish in many ways.

Our goal in including mixed breeds in a specially designed system is to bring benefits to all those who share our passion for dogs and our sport. Companion clubs will see opportunities to increase entries, attract new members and educate more people. AKC will broaden its legislative influence by representing more dog owners and achieve greater exposure for our responsible dog ownership messaging. Ultimately, the positive developments that this program creates will benefit dogs the most, and this is what we value above all.

Please take a moment to review the attached document which outlines the structure and details of the program. Your participation in this process has been invaluable, and we thank you and your members for playing an important role in this great accomplishment. Now, more than ever, we are the dog's champion.

Yours truly,

Ronald H. Menaker Dennis B. Sprung

http://images.akc.org/pdf/MixedBreedProgramDetails.pdf PDF of the new program

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