14 February 2010

No Foot, No Horse - Tennessee Walking Horse

Here are some photos to consider. As always, your thoughts and comments are welcome.

How did this breed go from this...

To This....

This is a hoof with 49 nails. Why are 49 nails being used in this Performance Horse package? This is a Tennessee Walking Horse foot.

Image: http://www.fosh.info/radiography%20padded%20hoof2.jpg   Hoof with 49 Nails.
http://www.walkerswest.com/images/Champs/MidnightSun194546.jpg Midnight Sun photo and video.
http://www.hphoofcare.com/lick.html Excellent information on how this shoeing practice affects these horses. Also excellent information on soring and other horse information. 
http://www.ahdf.org/soring.htm Hoof and soring information.
http://bridlepath.wordpress.com/2006/09/24/bridlepath-hall-of-shame-the-big-lick-twh-industry/ Great story about Natalie Jackson and her horse Champagne Watchout.

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